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23 Facts About Me, on my 23rd Birthday

Yesterday I turned 23. I officially feel “old”er. On most birthdays I usually don’t feel a difference, but this year is different. I do feel the change of turning another year older. Maybe it’s the fact that in a month I will officially be a college graduate (for those of you trying to do the math, I took the “scenic route” and took 5 years of college πŸ˜‰ ) Maybe it’s the fact that I am getting close to being in my “mid-twenties” instead of my “early-twenties.” Maybe it’s the fact that I prefer even numbers over odd ones, and 23 is an odd number. Well whatever the reason is, I don’t mind it. I appreciate the fact that I am older because well, I have grown so much in my 20’s! I have to admit, my 19th year on this earth was one of my hardest, and I am thankful for the growth and the lessons that I have learned now that I am in my 20’s. I am a different person than I was last year, and I am thankful for that! As my Dad always tells me, the extremely wise man that he is, “some things only come with the milage baby.” And he couldn’t be more right! Some stuff we really do just need to learn along the way; the more we live the more we experience – the more we know, the more we change…hopefully for the better πŸ™‚ With each passing year I hope to become more patience, and more full of grace than the year before – I hope to become someone who exudes peace and love to those around me – I hope to become a better me. And I believe that birthdays are a great time to reflect on just how far we have come each year as a person, at least that is what they have become for me.

So in light of my birthday, I wanted to write a post of 23 facts about me, including the things that I love and am really into right now! I think it will be fun to look back a year from now and see what I liked, and how I spent my time etc…and I also hope this post will help you get to know me a little more too!


1. I know I am a little late to get in on this bandwagon, but I am totally into Gilmore Girls right now. I watched a few episodes when I was in high-school but wasn’t really hooked. Then, when it appeared on Netflix I decided to give it another try, and i’m so glad I did!

2. I love baking…love, love, love it! It’s creative, relaxing, and yummy all at the same time! These cupcakes were so fun to make:

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3. I was born in England, what? Ya, I had an awesome childhood πŸ™‚ Here is a little throwback of me on my 5th birthday, and one of my sister and I when we used to be British babies!

Scan 19Scan 15

4. I lived on an ocean going ship for 7 months…it’s hard to explain, but it was an awesome experience! What do I remember most about my time aboard the Doulos? 1. Not being allowed to have candles on my birthday cake, and 2. watching a Dolphin catch a fish on my sisters birthday.

5. I know how to knit and crochet, i’m not super great at either (yet) but I definitely prefer knitting. Here is my first knitting project! You’ll have to wait to see what i’m creating πŸ˜‰

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6. I love to decorate my home with things that I have personally created, it just adds something special and meaningful to a home πŸ™‚

7. I am a night owl and have such a hard time getting up every morning! I have tried to become a morning person, but my brain always comes alive at night.

8. I am not a city girl, never have been, never will be πŸ˜‰

9. Chocolate is my thing, I could even eat it for breakfast! (it’s happened before)

10. Candles are one of my most favorite pieces to decorate my home with. I have them scattered all over the house. I love the smell, the glow, and the homey-ness they create. I could never have enough! I really want to make my own candles to reuse the votives/jars that have been used up already, we’ll see how that goes.

11. It took a while for me to get a pinterest….I waited because I knew I would be on it all the time if I had one, and I was right lol you can follow me on pinterest here.

12.Β One day, Bence and I hope to renovate an old character home and live on 10+ acres of land.

13. I really love to refinish furniture. When Bence and I first got married we were given a lot of random pieces of furniture from friends and co-workers…we couldn’t be more grateful! But nothing really matched. So I tried my hand at refinishing some of the pieces and fell in love with it. I am really in love with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint….this stuff can cover almost any surface! Since we have been living in an apartment for the last two years, I haven’t really had an adequate workspace to be able to redo some of our larger pieces, but we are moving in June and our new place will have a 2 car garage. The perfect workspace for me πŸ™‚

14. Currently, my favorite lense is my Canon 85mm 1.8 – If I could use this lense for every situation, I totally would! For tight situations, I have my 50mm….but the 85 will always have my heart <3

15. I am horrible at making decisions, like terrible! Big or small, it doesn’t matter….it’s not that i’m indecisive, i’m just so afraid of making a poor or a wrong decision that my fear grips me! I have come a long way, really, and thanks to Bence I have learned that it is ok to make a poor decisions because that is how we learn and it’s ok to try new things and step outside of the box, so what if you don’t like least you tried it! πŸ˜‰

16. I am a puppy lover….puppies for days! Our current apartment isn’t pet friendly, but our next home is!! Be on the look out for a new addition to the Fonyad family coming soon!

17. Trail-mix is my favorite all time snack….I buy big bags of it and then fill up little baggies to have with my on the go, I love it that much lol

18. I have a real heart for people…be careful if you ever pray “break my heart for what breaks Yours Lord,” because you will literally feel broken-hearted a lot, even if it’s for people that you don’t even know.

19. Yes, my hair is naturally curly…and it’s crazy! crazy crazy hair lol

20. My favorite HGTV show is Fixer Upper, it is seriously the best! It’s drama free, and really authentic. Chip and Joanna Gaines are the husband and wife team on the show and they are seriously the cutest! I love almost every single design Joanna comes up with…..Bence loves to watch Fixer Upper with me and we just dream together about owning and decorating our own home one day, it is so fun!

21. I am so thankful for what I have. Sometimes I get swept up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to stop and realize how much I truly have, and what really matters in this life. But I am truly so thankful and so blessed.

22. I have HUGE dreams for this business, and I have a goal sheet for 2015, a goal sheet for 2016, and a goal sheet for 2017….I have already crossed a few things off of my goal list for 2015, there is so much left to accomplish but this business is continually covered in prayer and I know that even if there are some goals still left unchecked at the end of this year, that doesn’t mean that we failed! I know that we can accomplish more if we set goals for ourselves thenΒ if we didn’t. Reach for the stars, and you might just hit the moon ( or something like that πŸ™‚ )

23. Fact number 23: I am so excited for this upcoming year, I hope to learn, grow, and change for the better more than I ever have before.



Here is to new seasons!

xoxo Sharayah

  1. Sharayah! You are SO cute! I loved those cupcakes too! Thank you so much for making them for me for my birthday! You are an excellent baker! πŸ™‚ Also, thanks for sharing your beloved trail mix with me. My growling tummy before lunch time thanks you big time! Fixer Upper!! YES!!! All those beautiful decorations!! AH!
    I consider myself so blessed to be part of your 22 year! I hope 23 is the best!

    • Sharayah Fonyad says:

      Erin!! lol glad you loved the cupcakes…and the trail mix…and Fixer Upper!!! Thank you for being so sweet πŸ™‚ I’m so glad I got to know you this year!

  2. Kathi Tarantal says:

    Very fun to read and well written Sharayah, I’ve watched you grow up from an energetic little girl to a beautiful young woman. Bence is a lucky guy! God bless!

  3. Myriam ACCAJOU POULAIN says:

    Wow…very nice…please continue to write. God bless you Young Lady …and your family…GAPPY BlessDay to you

  4. Nancy Vickers says:

    What a neat thing to do. Enjoyed reading this so much. Also enjoyed the magazine you just did. The one with Sara on the front. All the articles in it were great! Wished that everyone could read it. What a gift you have. Thanks for sharing!

  5. zsuzsi says:

    you are soooo talented and sooo beautiful!<3

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